What I’ve noticed from going to Ruby meetups in SF for the past few weeks

I’ve been going to meetups in San Francisco the last few weeks with the goal of meeting people and seeing who’s out there. I’ve met a few cool people at these meetups. Something that strikes me as strange though, is how few people I meet at these meetups actually contribute to the ruby or rails … Read more

Vim Commands

After installing the rename plugin, the following command renames a file and saves it in the same directory it was previously in.. :Rename %:p:h/_new_file_name.html.erb

SnapFresh.org Recently won the Applications For Good San Francisco Competition

So I recently went to a regional hackathon which was a regional try-out for a national competition called Applications for Good the first weekend I moved back to San Francisco. I was feeling like being creative, and thought what better way to be creative than apply my skills in a way that might help people. … Read more

Evolutionary Changes – Started Using Native Desktop Applications For Email and Calendar

After staunchly, sometimes stubbornly defending my use of the gmail gui, I’ve switched to the native mail, calendar, and contacts functionality provided on osx. It’s taken me pretty much all day (off and on), because I’ve got approximately 8 gb of email and I did extensive research regarding tools before just going with the native … Read more

Git Guide For People New to Git

Installing GIT mac: $brew install git or use the graphical install at http://code.google.com/p/git-osx-installer linux: $apt-get install git-core or $yum install git-core windows: http://code.google.com/p/msysgit Configuring GIT $ git config –global user.name “Your Name” $ git config –global user.email youremail@email.com Getting files from our repository The first time, do: $git clone git://github.com/aardvarkium/NAMEOFPROJECT Afterwards: $git pull Checking in … Read more

ParkFinder – An sms app that finds the parks closest to a given location

In preparation for the appsforgood competition, I’m writing a small app called “Parkfinder.” It’s an app to train myself on using sms and google maps to find points of interest close to a given location. I’m writing it on Ruby on Rails 3. And since the primary interface is intended to be SMS, the graphical … Read more

Ruby on Rails Notes: Standard Project Setup

Writing down steps before writing a script… rvm gemset create appname rvm gemset use appname gem install rails –no-rdoc –no-ri rails new appname -T cd appname echo rvm use [rubyinstall]@[gemsetappname] > .rvmrc edit Gemfile add rspec to development and test add haml, sass to all add heroku to development bundle install rails generate rspec:install git … Read more

Birds are Dinosaurs, and Flying Vampire Tadpole Frogs discovered

http://www.miketaylor.org.uk/dino/faq/s-class/dinobird/index.html http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/11/110107-new-species-vampire-flying-frog-tadpoles-fangs-science-animals/

Improving Posture Through Exercise

A current goal is to strengthen my core muscles to the point that I keep my back straight all day. Today someone posted on reddit about posture strengthening exercises: http://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/ewrr0/writeup_on_the_dreaded_anterior_pelvic_tilt_or/ So starting today, I’m going to do a minimum of 1 set of planks and 1 set of bird dogs per day. My most successful … Read more

Indian programmer discusses website security vulnerabilities

Indian programmer discusses how Indian websites are full of security vulnerabilities.

Why Google’s maps stand out more than their competitors


Gift Certificate For Alabaster & Chess

I just made the first version of a gift certificate for Alabaster & Chess. The gift certificate is a pdf file made on a mac. I did it manually this time and it took about an hour and a half including time spent thinking about the look and how to actually generate the file. Here … Read more

Full utilization of productive hours

As interesting projects keep coming my way, the main thing I seek to learn is how to make good use of my time and stick to the “no more jobs” goal. The Alabaster & Chess website is making progress, but the main hiccup is getting scanned images and a full list of what the options … Read more


In Goa. Just had a delicious juice at some shack on the water. To- do: Nothing.