2022.04.18 Journal

6:30am So far I’ve had a zoom meeting with an investment bank, sent a work email, and updated my calendly to make it so the earliest people can schedule with me is 8am. Just ended up in a loop of looking at news and Facebook posts. 6:56am time to make my to-do list

Today’s to-do items:

  • AM Routine
    • Cold Shower
    • Meditate for 30 minutes
  • Housing follow-ups – 2 of 2
  • Food
    • Use zero again today – I just changed my fast to be 44 hours instead of 20 hours.
  • Go to doctor’s appointment
  • Fly to NYC to clear out apartment
  • Various work meetings and work tasks. Continue switching to more asynchronous.

7:35am Meditate
M: Get my life routines back in order. Have time working for me again where I feel like each day is bringing me closer to being who and how I want to be.
G: Meditate until 8am. Count 10 breaths and then label my thoughts out loud
E+D: I vow to relax into the meditation and be diligent
D: I assume I’ll think about circumstances that would challenge my intentions for the day, such as anything that would threaten my fast or getting to the doctor on time. Or things associated with clearing out my place. Such as what I’m bringing back to SF this trip.
P: I’ll sit up for a bit and then lay on my back

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