2022.02.23 Journal
todo::* Day seven of journaling about Pride/Scorn/Demanding
* Social health – Hang out with friends in person.
* Meditation – Day 716
* Journaling – Day 58
* Yoga – Day 58
* Cold shower – Day 30
reflections:: 9:15pm. My morning routine happened and then I had calls and social events so I didn’t get to the point of journaling until now. I suppose I’m feeling pride that I still journaled anyways, and that could lead to scorn towards those who don’t journal or towards me being demanding of myself to keep my streak up. I’ve been getting a lot out of connecting with people by discussing emotions and journaling. It’s surprising how many people journal regularly, and how I had no idea so many people journaled until I started talking about journaling when people asked me what’s new.